In May 2018, Adrienne Wilson and I had the privilege of participating in a Lean Study Tour of Japan hosted by Katie Anderson. We distilled the leadership lessons from this trip down to seven key habits. In 2020, Em was invited to share these habits at the Agile Australia conference. The conference was based in Melbourne, one of the world's most locked-down cities during the first two-years covid-19 pandemic; therefore, it was rescheduled six times before finally taking place in person and online in December 2021! Due to the conference also being live-streamed, we were able to obtain a video of the session from the lovely folks at TeamSlatts.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Lean-Agile Leaders
The foundation of a Lean-Agile organisation is Lean-Agile Leadership. This is all well and good, but it often requires a significant cultural shift to become a reality. We know from Kotter’s Leading Change that to change the organisation's culture, we first have to change the habits of the organisation. So what are the habits of effective lean-agile leaders? Join this session to explore the habits of effective lean-agile leaders, their origins in Lean/TPS/Japan and their application in today's world.